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The Importance of Website Backups: Everything you should know

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The importance of website backups is not mentioned until it is essential. But when your site's fate depends on having a website backup, you will blame yourself for not doing it.

Avoid any trouble by backing up your site regularly. This article will explain the importance of website backups.

Every morning, you wake up and brush your teeth. It's a good habit. Get in the habit of backing up your site, or hand over this responsibility to a web development agency.

What is a website backup?

Website backup is a copy of all important files saved to an external source. You decide what exactly to include in the backup.  

Which files should you back up?

  • core files
  • theme, plugins, uploads
  • configuration files
  • database
  • other valuable information
What is a website backup?

A backup is the main guarantee that your site can be completely restored after any problems and crashes. 

A site backup helps if you inadvertently delete some important elements, a theme or plugin/module harms your site, or if the website is hacked.

Is website backup necessary?

As we already mentioned, the importance of website backups can be compared to the importance of keeping your teeth clean or doing backups on your computer.

The website backup is necessary. They make it possible to restore your website with minor details if something happens. A backup is one of the basic steps for creating a safe website.

Why is backing up your website important?

There are many reasons why backing up your website is important. Let's take a closer look at the main together.

Why is backing up your website important?

You can make mistakes

Not only hackers are scary for your sites. Sometimes you can cause even more problems than someone else can. For example, you can install the wrong plugin or module and damage the normal operations of the site. The backup will help to return everything to its place.

Your site may be broken on purpose

Even the smallest and most secure site can be broken. For example, today by lunchtime 32,706,000 were broken.  Even if you are among them if you have a backup of the site you will be able to restore the work and appearance of your site in the shortest possible time.

Your PC can crash

Storing backup in your computer's memory is as good as anywhere, but it shouldn't be the primary place. Computers break down too. For a really calm and sweet sleep at night, you need to save a backup in 3 places:

  • on the computer
  • on overcast storage
  • on the live site

Viruses can slowly destroy important documents

Malware and viruses are put on the Internet for the sole purpose of harming your site. Once on your site, they make changes to it and often eat up your site from the inside. Over time, it breaks down. Website backup ensures that you can restore it to work correctly. There is also a blog about cracking websites, written by the Wishdesk team.

Updates can be done incorrectly

Yes, yes, you read that correctly. Sometimes new updates can damage your site. This can happen if it is not suitable for your site, the site is overloaded, there is not enough memory, your site is incompatible with new changes, and many other nuances. 

However, not updating is also not an option. Your site becomes susceptible to hacking and viruses. In this case, the importance of website backups is to ensure that whatever happens, you can always restore your site.

What are the benefits of backup?

The most important advantage of backup is that at any time you can restore your site to the latest version you need.

However, this is not the only benefit, let's take a quick look at other essential importance of website backups.

Top 9 Benefits of Data Backup

  1. You can access your files wherever you are. This just requires a few seconds and the internet.
  2. You don’t need to worry about data loss. Even if a natural disaster strikes, all files will be in secure cloud storage.
  3. Website backup is another layer of website protection. In the event of a hacker attack, or infection by dangerous content, you will not lose your site.
  4. It gives your company great reliability. You can recover any files at any time.
  5. It is easy to set up. The backup will be done automatically if you do the whole process correctly and schedule it.
  6. You save a lot of money. First of all, you save money on equipment. Secondly, if your website has been hacked and there is no backup, it is impossible to restore it completely, and you will lose money.
  7. Website backups also protect your business reputation.
  8. It is possible to configure a selective backup. You can only make copies of those files, folders, and drives you want.
  9. Cloud storage can be used with local storage. This solution provides a higher level of security.
Benefits of Data Backup

How often should I back up my website?

First of all, we would like to note that it should be REGULARLY. You will want to restore the site to the latest version. The backup that was made six months ago is not very suitable for this.

How often you need to make a backup depends on how often you change and update something on your site. A good option is to make a backup every week. If you want and need to, you can do it more often as well.

How to Perform a Website Backup?

Website backup's importance cannot be overstated. This is your contingency insurance. Performing regular backups helps create an extra layer of safety.

We hope that the information shared by our website maintenance experts has clarified the situation with backup, why you need to do it and how often. Any additional questions?

Contact us for a quick response and to learn more about our web services.

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