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WooCommerce security: Tips to Secure Your WooCommerce Site from Hackers

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The security of any website should be a top priority for any business owner, especially when it comes to WooCommerce. A proper level of WooCommerce security is essential for both business owners and customers. 

After all, WooCommerce is primarily a large amount of customer data, which could be stolen in a moment.

If one of the questions has arisen in your head at least once:

  • How secure is WooCommerce?
  • How to secure my WooCommerce site?
  • Can my WooCommerce site be hacked?

then you should read our blog.

Here, web developers will answer everything regarding WooCommerce security and the best ways to protect your site from attacks and information theft.

Is WooComerce secure?

Sites built on WooCommerce are in themselves secure, but site owners still need to be constantly on the alert. Every second, somewhere in the world hackers are hacking a new site. It doesn’t matter to them whether it is a big or small Woocommerce website — they will hack it just the same.

Security problems can appear when you or your incompetent developers:

  • handle deployment incorrectly
  • configure security issues improperly
  • forget about site maintenance
  • forget to update the site to the latest version
Security problems can appear when you or your incompetent developers:

Therefore, if you want your website to be secure and successful, do your job well and protect your WooCommerce site. Below we have compiled a selection of the most effective ways to keep your site secure.

Best WooCommerce Security Tips

As we said, any site is at risk of being hacked. Hackers don't care whether your site is large or small. Do not think that this will not affect you — always protect your site! This is how you protect your income and your customer's data. Do you always lock your apartment or house when you go? Why not do the same for your business?

Further in our blog, we will present you with the 11 tips specially selected to protect your site. These tips are like your little army that is on guard, protecting your WooCommerce site.

11 security tips for WooCommerce stores

1. Update WordPress to the latest version

Each new WordPress core release is an improved version of your site and its security. Put your trust in the capabilities of the WordPress team. Therefore, be sure to update your site to the latest version to reduce the chance it can be broken.

2. Use security plugins

Most owners choose WordPress because there is a plugin for any problem. Be sure to use one of the security plugins to create another layer of security and add one more invisible shield. It is important to install only one security plugin so as not to overload your site.

3. Choose a secure and reliable hosting

Reliable website hosting is like a solid foundation for your house. How can you build something good in a swamp? The better hosting you have, the more opportunities you will have to develop and protect your site.

4. Create strong usernames and passwords

Almost all sites are hacked through weak and simple passwords. Set a password and username without any bindings. If it is a meaningless combination of capital and small letters, numbers, and signs, it will keep your WooCommerce site much safer.

5. Use 2FA

Two-factor authentication is another way to protect your website. This way, even if attackers manage to guess your password, they will not be able to bypass the next level of verification. There are many options for 2FA, but the most common and most reliable is sending a special code to your phone. Hackers simply don’t have access to this option.

6. Add SSL certificate

SSL is already a must-have metric for security and reliability for eСommerce sites. Google marks safe sites with a small green lock icon, which means that all user data is secure. Use HTTPS so that customers will trust you with card details and confidential information.

7. Do backups regularly

Backups involve copying all of your website data. That way, even if something happens you can always restore access to it. A backup is your guarantee of peace of mind, no matter what happens to your WooCommerce stores.

8. Limit login attempts

Sites are most often broken with brute force attacks. If you put limits on the number of failed login attempts, you can protect against these.This principle is similar to that used by bank cards. After several incorrect attempts, the IP address will be locked.

9. Change the admin username

We suggest you avoid the standard username admin because it makes life so easy for your hackers. It’s like voluntarily giving them your site. Like your password, create a meaningless username.

10. Up-to-date themes

Up-to-date themes not only include trendy designs and visually appealing WooCommerce stores, they also include up-to-date security updates. The newer the theme you use, the more updated the security is and the less threat it poses to you.

11. Scan sites for malware and vulnerabilities

You can keep your site safe if you know what state it is in right now. Scanning your WooCommerce site is a must in order to detect problems and vulnerabilities. If you know that something is going wrong, you can fix it in advance without significant losses.

11 security tips for WooCommerce stores

Top plugins to enhance WordPress and WooCommerce security

None of the above tips can be implemented without plugins. Here are the best WordPress security plugins with their main benefits.

Best WordPress security plugins

Protect your WooCommerce site with the Wishdesk web development agency

Your WooCommerce site should be the safest place in the world for your customers. Secure your WooCommerce store to get more customers.
If you are careful and use all the proper precautions, then no hacker can hack your site. The Wishdesk web development company will help you to keep your site safe.